To begin... chapters 15 through 18 are out. They have finally been completed and I no longer have the right to hold onto them. Chapter 18 has been waiting forever to get out of my hands. It has been sitting around since chapter 13 came out. 

Recap of the Story so far:
We started with the war opening, a shinigami being scared and the hollows ready to go, revved up. The hollow's raiding comander was then sent to Kyoto to invade, bringing back one adjucha who turned to an arrancar under the massive anger. From there we followed Stray as she collected hollows, made them fight one another and relapse into a memory. Between the fighting and the memory, we followed the Shinigami as they gave birth to a child and lost their life in the process. This left behind an angry father, one who didn't want his own child. Or so we thought but that's for another chapter that's coming up. 

So with that being summed up, how many of you like the new layout? Email me! :D

For now that's all I have. Expect the last 5 chapters of book 1 to come along soon. They should be good. Hopefully you enjoy fights between Hollows and Shinigami because that's what you are getting. 
